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However, if one notices any abnormal changes or symptoms that are affecting the skin, hairs or nails must consult to a dermatologist. If one has any cosmetic concern they can also consult to a dermatologist.

Both dermatologists and Cosmetologists primarily focus on the external appearance of an individual. Basically, Dermatologists are those trained physicians who focus on treating the skin illness and diseases. Apart from this Cosmetologists are those who offer services regarding aesthetics.

It is scientifically proven that a few skin conditions cannot be treated permanent acne or pimple is one such condition that need period of treatments sessions. It may vary from person to person and their skin type.

Side effects with laser treatment are quite rare and can be either burning or scabbing. Specialists at Skin and hair clinic take precautions to accurately assess the health and skin sensitivity.

Best Hair and Skin Doctor in Patna

With the coordination of experienced professionals Skin and Hair clinic endeavor to deliver cutting-edge treatment that is affordable for all.